All commands for transforms start with “xform_”. Here’s the listing of the available commands and their syntax:
Command & Syntax
xform_flip direction;
Flips the image. The direction of flip is set by the parameter direction[horz, vert].
xform_rotateangle, [sampling];
Rotates the image by angle[0..360]. If angle is “+90”, “+180” or “+270”, it performs the corresponding right-angled rotate. The second parameter, sampling [blocky, smooth], is optional.
xform_skew angledirection, [sampling];
Skews the image by angle [-90..90] in direction [horz, vert]. The third parameter, sampling [blocky, smooth], is optional.
xform_perspective angledirection, [sampling];
Performs perspective distortion of the image by angle [-90..90] in direction [horz, vert]. The third parameter, sampling [blocky, smooth], is optional.
xform_scale factor;
Scales the image heuristically by factor. Valid values for factor are 2, 3 and 4.
xform_stretch factordirection;
Stretches the image by factor [0.001..1000] in direction [x-only, y-only, both, alternate]
xform_tile sxsy;
Performs normal tiling by scaling the image by sx and sy. For example, setting both sx and sy to 2.0 will tile a 320*240 image to 640*480.
xform_kaleido sxsy;
Performs kaleidoscope tiling by scaling the image by sx and sy. For example, setting both sx and sy to 2.0 will tile a 320*240 image to 640*480.
You can generate script code for most commands in Chasys Draw IES by using them while running the record function.